They are psilopsida, psilotopsida, lycopsida, sphenopsida, pteropsida and progymnospermopsida. As they produce neither flowers nor seeds, they are referred to as cryptogams. Pteridophytes ferns and fern allies the plant list. Energy healthy bacteria bacterial resistance and evolution gram staining alternations of generations bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms plant organization the amazing plant race phylum porifera.
Mbo02 msc previous botany examination pteridophytes. Pteridophytes introduction, authors and addresses, systematic list, glossary, and key to tribes. We might on the one hand take first the most primitive families, as judged by soral and sporangial. During the past two decades, the discoveryof fossil spores from as far back as the midordovician.
The modern classification of pteridophytes have been suggested by many scientist according to the sporne1975 pteridophytes have been classified into six classes. The stele is a real entity and present universally in all axis of higher plants. Another difference between pterophyta and higher plants is that many species belonging to the pterophyta have a vegetative 1 sorus plural sori. There are two theories regarding evolution of bryophytes. You may recall that in bryophytes the dominant phase in the life cycle is the gametophytic plant body. Plant kingdom thallophytes algae bryophytes pteridophytes. In fact, they can be considered as the first terrestrial vascular plants, showing the presence of the vascular tissue, xylem, and phloem. The body of the sporophyte is well differentiated into roots, stem and leaves.
Bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms pages. The pteridophytes ferns and fern allies pteridophytes are vascular plants and have leaves known as fronds, roots and sometimes true stems, and tree ferns have full trunks. They possess certain combinations of major characters which are not found in bryophytes or in phanerogams. Stelar theory also says that the cortex and the stele are the two fundamental. Most of the pteridophytes ferns and fernallies show their luxuriant and vigorous growth during the rainy season particularly in the hilly regions usually above 1400 m altitude. Bryophyte vs pteridophyte difference and comparison diffen. Pteridophytes biology encyclopedia plant, body joilethbwinmi. Or the sporangia usually occur in clusters called sori or sorus,found on the underside fertile leaves. Pteridophytes, also known as vascular cryptogams and ferns and fern allies, comprise about 12 000 species of vascular plants that do not produce.
What is one evolutionary advantage pteridophytes have over. The printed version, however, was effectively published on 6 june 20. May 26, 2017 ferns are pteridophytes which a have leaf finely divided into small parts, proper roots and underground stems. A few pteridophytes are aquatic while still others are epiphytes. The moderff ferns and anatomical evolution the hymbnophyllaceig. When sori develop on the leaves of house ferns, they are often mistaken for tiny insects young stages or a fungus disease older stages rather than recognized. Stelar evolution in pteridophytes ppt types of steles and its evolution in pteridophytes ppt what is stele.
Although this particular topic is beyond the aims of the present paper, let us remember that these tissues conditioned all tracheophyte sporophyte evolution. Evolution of bryophytes according to these theories the evolution in bryophytes is as follows. Jan 23, 2017 occurence most of the pteridophytes are terrestrial and grow in moist and shady places while some flourish well in open, dry places especially in xeric conditions selaginella lepidophylla. Because pteridophytes produce neither flowers nor seeds, they are sometimes referred to as cryptogams, meaning that their means of reproduction is hidden. The pteridophytes occupy the intermediate position in between the bryophytes on one hand and the phanerogams on the other. Mar 23, 2018 the pteridophytes are an economically important group of plants. Key differences between bryophytes and pteridophytes. Classification of pteridophyta linkedin slideshare. The primary components of stele are xylem and phloem. Ferns, horsetails often treated as ferns, and lycophytes clubmosses, spikemosses, and quillworts are all pteridophytes. When vascular plants reproduce sexually, the reproductive structures may be borne in many different ways.
Occurrence and evolution of pteridophytes with its origin and economic. Some pteridophytes are aquatic marselia, azolla and some are epiphytes ophioglossum pendulum. Guest lecturer, department of botany,devamatha college, kuravilangad. We now turn to a consideration of the vascular system of the modern ferns, and in tracing its various modifications two alternatives are open to us. Most pteridophytes have underground stems parallel to the substrate called rhizomes. Difference between bryophytes and pteridophytes with. Student should be able to differentiate between male and female reproductive organs and relate their structure and function to the production of new plants. In contrast to the generally favoured hypothesis that the marginal position of sporangia and sori is the primitive condition, hagemann e.
Fronds in the largest species of ferns can reach some six metres in length. This pdf version does not have an isbn or issn and is not therefore. The pteridophytes are an economically important group of plants. Mar 08, 2016 the pteridophytes are found in cool, damp, shady places though some may flourish well in sandysoil conditions. The three groups of bryophytes are morphologically distinct from one anoth er chopra 1968, but it is rarely recog nized that such distinctions are due to fundamental differences in morpho genetic design. The more primitive ferns are called eusporangiate ferns and their sori are made up of a clump of simple sporangia that release their spores by opening up a pore or slit see first pic.
Stelar theory, components of stele, different types of steles in plants, protostele. Salvinia molesta, rootlike lower leaf is submerged and bears sori, the. Pteridophytes are plants that do not have any flowers or seeds. Xaxim is a type of pteridophyte with an aerial stem that is generally perpendicular to the soil and from which hundreds of roots arise to absorb water from the environment. The most characteristic feature of the pteridophytes is the presence. Classification of pteridophytes for a long time the division pteridophyta includedthe ferns, lycopods and horsetails. Because they produce neither flowers nor seeds, they are referred to as cryptogams. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 500 words. Flowering plants are of two types gymnosperms and angiosperms which have common features like roots, stems, leaves, proper vascular tissues for transportation. Although the evolution of these pathways is poorly understood, possible phenolic precursors have been detected in charophycean algae4,31, and elements of auxin metabolism have been recognized in mosses and hornworts49. Full text pdf online international interdisciplinary research journal. Heterosporous megaspores important in species identifications and gametophyte development is endosporic.
Pteridophytes pteridophytes is a general term for the vascular, free. Pteridophytes or pteridophyta are vascular plants plants with xylem and phloem that reproduce and disperse via spores. Hand in hand with the reduction in size of single sporangia are seen more and more complex aggregations of sporangia known as sori. The pteridophytes ferns and fern allies pteridophytes are vascular plants and have leaves known as fronds tertium organum pdf portugues, roots and sometimes true stems. Each of these can be divided into life forms according to a series of morphological and other characters. The three groups of bryophytes are morphologically distinct from one anoth er chopra 1968, but it is rarely recog nized that such distinctions are due to fundamental differences in morpho. The body structure of bryophytes has leafy or thalloid plant body, while in pteridophytes plant body in differentiated into roots, stems, and leaves no vasculature system in bryophytes which means xylem and phloem tissues absent, whereas in pteridophytes proper vasculature is present which means xylem and phloem tissues is present. Pteridophyta is the most highly evolved group among the cryptogams. It is speculated that life began in the oceans, and through millions of years of evolution, life slowly adapted on to dry land. Pteridophytes constitute a significant and important group in the plant kingdom. Stelar evolution in vascular plants origin and evolution of stele in pteridophytes and higher plants what is stele. Occurrence and evolution of pteridophytes biology boom. Pteridophyta characteristics, life cycle, classification.
In some pteridophytes, like the club moss selaginella, and in all seed plants, eggs and sperm are produced by different gametophytes. A good portion of the image references used here tap fine image resources for nonflowering vascular plants. In other pteridophytes a single gametophyte may produce both eggs and sperm, as in most ferns. Life forms of pteridophyta, their origin and evolution.
They formed the dominant part of the earths during palaeozoic and mesozoic periods on soral evolution. And among the first of the plants to truly live on land were the pteridophytes. Another way you can look at sorus evolution is to consider the sporangia. Examples of pteridophytes include ferns, horsetails, clubmosses, spikemosses and quillworts. O stele is the central cylinder or core of vascular tissue in higher plants. A pteridophyte is a vascular plant with xylem and phloem that disperses spores. Marginal reproductive organs correlate with a distinct succession of a vegetative and a reproductive developmental phase in the sporophyll phase differentiation. This pdf version does not have an isbn or issn and is not therefore effectively published melbourne code, art.
It is the simplest and most primitive type of protostele consisting of a central solid and smooth core of xylem surrounded by a ring of phloem fig. The different species of selaginella are grown as the garden plants. However, in pteridophytes, the main plant body is a sporophyte which is differentiated into true root, stem and leaves. All members of the plant kingdom originated from a multicellular protist in one of the many algae groups there are several groups of algae, some of which are multicellular and have red or brown pigment there are many lines of evidence that plants originated from a group of green algae that had a zygotic life cycle. Most pteridophytes are terrestrial plants and thrive well in abundant moisture and shade while some flourish well in open, dry situations especially in xeric conditions. The meristematic areathe region of new cell growththat produces them may continue its activities over a number of weeks, producing sporangia of all ages, older ones being pushed aside as new ones mature in their turn. The appearance of true water and foodconducting tissues in pteridophytes represented an event of enormous consequences for the evolution of land plant sporophyte. Relations between submarginal and marginal sori in ferns. A concept based exclusive material pteridophytes, gymnosperms. Pteridophytes ferns and lycophytes are freesporing vascular plants that have a life cycle with alternating, freeliving gametophyte and sporophyte phases that are independent at maturity.
Reproductive systems and evolution in vascular plants. Sumita, assistant professor, department of botany, pggc11, chandigarh. Request pdf development of the sorus in tree ferns. Thus, these characteristics make them horticulturally important plants. A comparative assessment of the sori in selected pteridophytes. Occurrence and evolution of pteridophytes with its origin and economic importance in pteridophyta is a group of ancient plants. In many species, they are protected by an umbrellalike cover called the indusium. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Studies of soral development in the treefern family dicksoniaceae in comparison with the cyatheaceae led to 1 recognition of two basic patterns in the dicksoniaceae, 2 clarification of marginal versus superficial sori and their indusia in tree ferns, and 3 phylogenetic interpretations. A few pteridophytes are aquatic while still others are. Economic importance of pteridophytes,several ferns such as angiopteris, asplenium, marattia, microsorium, nephrolepis, phymatodes, etc. Tissues like pericycle, medullary rays and pith are also the components of stele. The process by which the reactants form products and products form reactants at equal rates.
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